Nina Agent Chronicles Pc Game Free Download

четверг 01 ноябряadmin
Nina Agent Chronicles Pc Game Free Download Average ratng: 9,9/10 6160 votes

Sherhoi oshiki bacha baroi duhtar navisht. Game info: Nina: Agent Chronicles is a unique combination of brainpower and firepower - a game where completing tasks and solving puzzles is just as vital as eliminating your opponents!


Free Download Game Nina: Agent Chronicles RIP Version FPS / Action-adventure MF Link 213 MB Nina: Agent Chronicles adalah game ber-genre action-adventure, merupakan kombinasi unik dari kekuatan otak dan senjata - sebuah permainan di mana menyelesaikan tugas dan memecahkan teka-teki sama penting seperti menghilangkan lawan Anda. Dimainkan oleh model top Polandia Iza Czarnecka, Nina telah didaftarkan oleh sebuah organisasi anti-teroris karena kemampuan paranormal untuk mengambil alih pikiran orang lain. Menghadapi banyak teka-teki dan tugas, Anda harus membimbing Nina di misi nya yang menyerap pusat di seluruh kota tersembunyi di pegunungan Afghanistan. Dengan judul ini menyerap, pemecahan masalah, taktik tempur dan membuat terbaik menggunakan persenjataan yang tersedia adalah lebih penting dari sekedar cepat menarik.

New action-adventure game Nina: Agent Chronicles is a unique combination of brainpower and firepower - a game where completing tasks and solving puzzles is just as vital as eliminating your opponents. Played by top Polish model Iza Czarnecka, Nina has been enlisted by an anti-terrorist organisation because of her paranormal ability to take over the minds of other people. Facing many puzzles and tasks, you must guide Nina on her absorbing missions which centre on a whole city hidden in the mountains of Afghanistan. With this absorbing title, problem solving, combat tactics and making best use of available weaponry is more important than just being quick on the draw. Nina: Agent Chronicles Review By Julio Estrada New action-adventure game Nina: Agent Chronicles is a unique combination of brainpower and firepower - a game where completing tasks and solving puzzles is just as vital as eliminating your opponents. Played by top Polish model Iza Czarnecka, Nina has been enlisted by an anti-terrorist organisation because of her paranormal ability to take over the minds of other people.

Facing many puzzles and tasks, you must guide Nina on her absorbing missions which centre on a whole city hidden in the mountains of Afghanistan.