Moskovkin Russkij Yazik

среда 19 сентябряadmin
Moskovkin Russkij Yazik Average ratng: 10,0/10 5217 votes

Preamble: Paper aims to study Stylistics in Russian Language. Learners Objectives: 1. Russky Yazik, Moscow, 1999. • Abhai Maurya. M., “Vlados”. • Kapitonova T.I., Moskovkin L.V., Methodika obucheniya russkomu yazyku kak. Russkiy yazyk. 1 klass on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

Information About Author: Russian teaching in China has a centuries-old history. It has been deeply influenced by different teaching schools in Russia, Europe and America, among which grammar-translation method, conscious-comparative method, and conscious-practice method exert the deepest influence on Russian teaching in China. On the basis of introducing and absorbing advanced foreign language teaching modes abroad, China has combined the modes with Russian teaching situation in China to form a Russian teaching methodology research system with Chinese characteristics. Keywords: Russian teaching methodology, teaching methods, stages of development of teaching methodology References: 1. O znachimosti issledovaniy po istorii metodiki [The importance of research on the history of methods of teaching].

Materialy XII Kongressa mezhdunarodnoy assotsiatsii prepodavateley russkogo yazika i literatury “Russkiy yazik i literatura vo vremeni i prostranstve” [Russian language and literature in time and space. Materials of the XII Congress of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature]. Shanghai, Shanhayskoe obrazovatel’noe izdatel’stvo inostrannykh yazikov Publ., 2011. 538–541 (in Russian). Metody obucheniya v istorii prepodavaniya russkogo yazika kak inostrannogo (teoriya i praktika) [Methods of teaching in the history of teaching Russian as a foreign language (theory and practice)].

Materialy XII Kongressa mezhdunarodnoy assotsiatsii prepodavateley russkogo yazika i literatury “Russkiy yazik i literatura vo vremeni i prostranstve” [Russian language and literature in time and space. Materials of the XII Congress of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature]. Shanghai, Shanhayskoe obrazovatel’noe izdatel’stvo inostrannykh yazikov Publ., 2011. 280–287 (in Russian). Lyakhovitskiy M. Metodika prepodavaniya inostrannykh jazykov [Methods of teaching of foreign languages]. Moscow, 1981.

15 (in Russian). Terminy i sistema metodiki, ili kak my govorim i pishem [Terms and system of methods or the way we speak and write]. 50 (in Russian). ( 413.74 kB ) ( 406.74 kB ) Issue: 2, 2015 Series of issue: Issue 2 Rubric: TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES AT SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITY Pages: 18 — 23 Downloads: 292.

From India to U.S.A. About this Item: Pranava Books, 2018. Condition: New. Reprinted from 1834 edition. NO changes have been made to the original text. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint.

Illustrations, Index, if any, are included in black and white. Each page is checked manually before printing. As this reprint is from very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. Fold-outs, if any, are not part of the book. If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set. This paperback book is SEWN, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of paperback binding. It can also be open wide.

The pages will not fall out and will be around for a lot longer than normal paperbacks. This print on demand book is printed on high quality acid-free paper.

Seller Inventory # 56 3. From Finland to U.S.A.

About this Item: Feniks, 2017. Condition: new. Vserossijskie proverochnye raboty - eto itogovye kontrolnye raboty dlja chetveroklassnikov po otdelnym predmetam (russkij jazyk, matematika i okruzhajuschij mir), kotorye provodjatsja v kontse uchebnogo goda s tselju sovershenstvovanija obrazovatelnykh programm i ustranenija imejuschikhsja probelov v znanijakh. Teksty VPR razrabatyvajutsja v sootvetstvii s trebovanijami FGOS s uchetom primernykh obrazovatelnykh programm za kurs nachalnoj shkoly.

Posobie polnostju sootvetstvuet Federalnomu gosudarstvennomu obrazovatelnomu standartu (vtorogo pokolenija) dlja nachalnoj shkoly i prednaznacheno dlja uchaschikhsja 4-kh klassov, uchitelej i metodistov, ispolzujuschikh tipovye zadanija dlja podgotovki k Vserossijskoj proverochnoj rabote. Language: Russian. Pages: 16 EAN 092.

Seller Inventory # 6. Regeditx 3 0 serial number. From Finland to U.S.A.

About this Item: Feniks, 2017. Condition: new. Rukovodstvo po primeneniyu rikta 01. Vserossijskie proverochnye raboty - eto itogovye kontrolnye raboty dlja chetveroklassnikov po otdelnym predmetam (russkij jazyk, matematika i okruzhajuschij mir), kotorye provodjatsja v kontse uchebnogo goda s tselju sovershenstvovanija obrazovatelnykh programm i ustranenija imejuschikhsja probelov v znanijakh. Teksty VPR razrabatyvajutsja v sootvetstvii s trebovanijami FGOS s uchetom primernykh obrazovatelnykh programm za kurs nachalnoj shkoly.